A shift in our upcoming spring schedule...


Dear Brooklyn Nature Days Families,

We are continuing to monitor the developments coming from the CDC concerning the COVID-19 pandemic and will continue to make the most up-to-date, factually informed decisions possible. As we are sure you all understand, this is a minute-by-minute process presenting unprecedented situations for everyone in our community and beyond.  

Given the most up-to-date information regarding the COVID-19 virus, Brooklyn Nature Days has decided to shift the start date of our spring semester to Monday, March 23, 2020. The spring semester will now run from Monday, March 23, 2020 to Friday, June 19th, 2020.  

We are making this decision as a precautionary measure as more information about the COVID-19 virus comes to light and, in particular, how it is affecting Brooklyn. Per our previous COVID-19 update sent on 3/10, we are grateful so many families have been adhering to our request to keep unwell children home. We have these measures in place for our staff as well and because of this, teachers with even the slightest symptoms have been asked to stay home until they are symptom-free. No one in our Brooklyn Nature Days community—including children, staff, and parents—have tested positive for COVID-19. However, we are anticipating an influx in teacher absences as a result of our strict no-symptom policy. 

As we begin our spring semester, we want to ensure we have a consistent staff fully in place and prepared to explore and play with the students. For that reason, we feel that it is important to take this extra week to allow our staff to care for their health. Please note that this shift applies to our homeschool and morning school classes only.  Our after school classes will continue per the DOE’s direction.

Looking ahead, if at any point the NYC DOE closes public schools or a member of our Brooklyn Nature Days community tests positive for the COVID-19 virus, we will cancel classes and notify families as soon as possible. The length of this closure will be subject to the exact situation that presents itself and we will share more specific details if and when that happens.

In the event of class cancellations, our intent is to schedule make-up classes. We will work with families to confirm makeup dates as soon as we are able. As we have a staff of over 30 people, the majority of which are full time and rely on their regular salary and benefits to support themselves and their families, we will not be issuing refunds. Thank you for your understanding as we plan for this completely unforeseeable situation. 

Stay safe, wash your hands, limit your travel, and work from home if you are able. We will continue to work diligently to keep you informed and to make the safest, most rational decisions. Families may reference this page for up to date information regarding Brooklyn Nature Days classes during this time https://brooklynnaturedays.com/covid19-updates. Your children’s safety is most important to us and we want to ensure we are able to serve them fully. Thank you, as always, for sharing your budding naturalists with us at Brooklyn Nature Days. 

With gratitude,

Sarah, Lilly, & Susannah